Something Saturday - Wiper Pop-Up Cars Card

 Hi There Creators Well, I was shown a photo of one of these cards from one of my class ladies/downline the other day, and then bless her, Chris sent through the instructions for me.  Chris used the version from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts, I have "translated" it into A4 size and instructions, so this is my version (not sure if anyone else has done this too, it's not very hard!) Anyway I looked at my stamp sets, and Racing By jumped out as one that would be perfect for this!  In the video I promise the measurements, so check those out below, but first the photos..... So, this is the card closed: (oh I also used the Happy Labels Pick a Punch for the saying to go on) then you pull it open, and voila, and extra car appears and takes the lead 😃 (I'm so excited with this! lol) I then showed hubby, who said, Oh do one with the red car in front and it could be Ben's Birthday card, he has a Mazda 370 Z, which he's quite proud of (and his birthday is fast approachin

Something Saturday - Frames & Flowers Specialty DSP

 Hi There Creators

Today I thought we'd check out this gorgeous Frames & Flowers Specialty Designer Series Paper, Wow it's so pretty!  I've also paired up the cards below with sayings from the stamp sets:  A Million Thanks Kit, Colourful Kaleidoscope (which may have retired as I can't find it in the store, oops!)  Irresistible Blooms, Latte Love, and Layers of Beauty.

I've used Notecards & Envelopes (which are very handy to use as they're pre-cut and scored 😍) plus some normal white cards that I've cut & scored.

I've also used (let's get all the links out the way....)  Blooming Pearls (gotta have bling💎)

And lastly ribbon, the iridescent ribbon I have isn't current anymore, but I did discover there's this rather lovely Iridescent 1/2" striped ribbon (must buy some!) and I also used Silver & White Sheer Ribbon.

So onwards to the photos!

Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!

Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!

Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!

Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!
Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!

Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!
15 cards later..... And here are the pieces I still have left over to create with! 🤣
Frames & Flowers specialty DSP, Stampin' Up!

But seriously, how gorgeous did these cards turn out?!

If you missed the video, here it is (with some fun background music, as I sped most of it up, and worked out how to add music) 😃

I hope this inspires you to create 😃

God Bless love

Heather xox


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