
Showing posts with the label Your Day to Shine Kit

Something Saturday - Wiper Pop-Up Cars Card

 Hi There Creators Well, I was shown a photo of one of these cards from one of my class ladies/downline the other day, and then bless her, Chris sent through the instructions for me.  Chris used the version from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts, I have "translated" it into A4 size and instructions, so this is my version (not sure if anyone else has done this too, it's not very hard!) Anyway I looked at my stamp sets, and Racing By jumped out as one that would be perfect for this!  In the video I promise the measurements, so check those out below, but first the photos..... So, this is the card closed: (oh I also used the Happy Labels Pick a Punch for the saying to go on) then you pull it open, and voila, and extra car appears and takes the lead 😃 (I'm so excited with this! lol) I then showed hubby, who said, Oh do one with the red car in front and it could be Ben's Birthday card, he has a Mazda 370 Z, which he's quite proud of (and his birthday is fast approachin

Something Saturday - Your Day to Shine Kit

 Hi There Creators Today we're onto the last of the 3 kits I bought a while back, this one is Your Day to Shine card Kit .  Again it's a pretty one, no stamp set this time hence it's cheaper at only $25, but you still get to make 9 cards with it! which at $2.78 per card is still cheaper for a decent card than what you'd buy in a shop! Plus you have the Crafting fix time and you're able to say "yes, I made this"😍 So here are the 3 styles of card it officially creates, although I have changed a few elements around, so if you do want to see the proper "official" way click on the link above 🤣 this first card is a mini card (with matching envelope) once again beautiful bling with these cards!  This card is pretty much true to their suggestion This next card got turned around a bit as I wasn't terribly happy with their design, I didn't think the butterfly stood out so well on their card (I could be wrong - seems unlikely but you never know...