
Showing posts with the label Graceful Greenery Vellum

Something Saturday - Wiper Pop-Up Cars Card

 Hi There Creators Well, I was shown a photo of one of these cards from one of my class ladies/downline the other day, and then bless her, Chris sent through the instructions for me.  Chris used the version from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts, I have "translated" it into A4 size and instructions, so this is my version (not sure if anyone else has done this too, it's not very hard!) Anyway I looked at my stamp sets, and Racing By jumped out as one that would be perfect for this!  In the video I promise the measurements, so check those out below, but first the photos..... So, this is the card closed: (oh I also used the Happy Labels Pick a Punch for the saying to go on) then you pull it open, and voila, and extra car appears and takes the lead 😃 (I'm so excited with this! lol) I then showed hubby, who said, Oh do one with the red car in front and it could be Ben's Birthday card, he has a Mazda 370 Z, which he's quite proud of (and his birthday is fast approachin

Something Saturday - Full of Life

Hi There Creators, Today I thought we'd check out the Full of Life Suite more specifically the Friends for Life Bundle .  Oh before I forget there is a Designer Series Paper sale on this month, check out out here: DSP Sale So here are the cards I created, this first one I do in the video, I didn't end up adding anything else to it!  I used the Graceful Greenery Vellum for the window under the heart, such pretty vellum! (in case you don't know the blue underlined bits are links for you to check out the products! 😁 then I went nice & simple with silver and white, and I've left the window without anything in it. Then thought I'd create a wedding card (now I need someone to get engaged or married!🤣)   And lastly figured I should use up the friend cut out from the first card, I had deliberately cut it from the middle of my piece of Garden green If you missed the video here it is: I hope this inspires you to create God Bless love Heather xox