Something Saturday - Wiper Pop-Up Cars Card

 Hi There Creators Well, I was shown a photo of one of these cards from one of my class ladies/downline the other day, and then bless her, Chris sent through the instructions for me.  Chris used the version from Dawn's Stamping Thoughts, I have "translated" it into A4 size and instructions, so this is my version (not sure if anyone else has done this too, it's not very hard!) Anyway I looked at my stamp sets, and Racing By jumped out as one that would be perfect for this!  In the video I promise the measurements, so check those out below, but first the photos..... So, this is the card closed: (oh I also used the Happy Labels Pick a Punch for the saying to go on) then you pull it open, and voila, and extra car appears and takes the lead 😃 (I'm so excited with this! lol) I then showed hubby, who said, Oh do one with the red car in front and it could be Ben's Birthday card, he has a Mazda 370 Z, which he's quite proud of (and his birthday is fast approachin

Something Saturday - A bit of Perspective

 Hi there Creators,

Today I wanted to show you how to create a checkers board, as I recently got the Latte Love Bundle (totally unrelated I know) but there are a couple of little oval shaped die pieces in it, that set me in mind of checkers.

However before this, I woke up the other day with an image on my mind that I thought would make a great card, it was a little fiddly adding all the squares to the background, which I then sanded to create the oldy, woldy look, but I really love the look, what do you think?

Adventurous Sky Bundle, Stampin' Up!

Anyway moving onto the cards I create in the video, then I'll give you the measurements, I wasn't sure that the little ovals from the Latte Love bundle were going to work once I had the board made, but discovered that if I stacked them they did work!  I then discovered (disappointingly that checkers only go on the black squares, and of course the black on black don't show up so well!)😔  However I thought it would be a bit tongue in cheek to add this saying 🤣the saying and frame come from Unbounded Love Bundle (has some fabulous sayings and frames in this one!)

Checkers Board, Perspective, Stampin' Up!

Checkers Board, Perspective, Stampin' Up!

This second card uses the Sweetly Scripted Stamp set which is an "online exclusive" (just means it's not in the physical catalogue).  

Whilst some of the squares weren't perfect, I'm still really happy with the way they both turned out.

Onto the measurements:

you need a white & black piece of card 

  • measuring 9.2cm x 12cm, cut them in 1/2 at 6cm
  • cut a slant on one side of each, so the top measures 4cm and the bottom is 6cm 
  • then you need to cut each one into slices, along the top of each measure 1, 2 & 3 cms, and along the bottom of each measure 1.5cm, 3cm and 5.5cm, and cut  (make sure you keep them in the order you cut them in, or it's quite hard to work out which is which)
  • lay them out so you have alternating black and white strips, there should be 8 in a row, turn them over and add cellotape all over the back (you'll end up with 2 pieces that look like a pedestrian crossing!)
  • now you need to cut them across ways, from the bottom (widest end) you'll measure up starting at 1.5cm, then going down 1mm for each cut, so.....  1.5cm, 2.9cm, 4.2cm, 5.4cm, 6.5cm 7.5cm, and 8.4cm  that way as the board is perceived to be further away, so the squares reduce in size too.
  • Do this to both pieces, then attach them alternating the strips to another piece of cardstock, and trim round it once it's all on.

Clear as Mud?🤣

 If you missed the video, here it is:


I do hope this inspires you to have go too

God Bless love

Heather xox


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